Comments on: A beginner’s guide to riding a bicycle later in life smart living by bike Tue, 08 Aug 2023 12:18:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Thu, 30 Mar 2023 18:01:11 +0000 Couldn’t agree more. Two to three years before I retired, I bought a bike and began biking to work. Such fun! I kicked myself for missing out all those prior years when I drove my car to work. I am now 74 and continue to bike anywhere I can. I’m still using the same 7-speed bike – nothing fancy. I recommend ergonomic handlebar grips and a bicycle where you can sit up, i.e., something like a “Dutch bike.” If you are put off by riding in traffic – not an unreasonable response in car-centric US – look into rail-trail conversions ( near you.

By: chris Tue, 11 Dec 2018 04:24:09 +0000 in my 80 had a knee implant was asked to sit on a chair and turn them peddles it was a small thing that had just the the peddles on was told i can bye one have not had any fun yet so if you know i am in new Zealand please email me

By: Mary Holbrook Sat, 08 Sep 2018 23:32:37 +0000 i started riding my bike (Huffy 3 speed) in July of 2018. Two months later I am hooked. Now at 65 I go between 15-20 miles each trip ranging 10-15 miles per hour. Love Love it!

By: Jerry Barrish Wed, 15 Aug 2018 02:11:52 +0000 77 year old man with osteoporosis. I have a bike that I purchased in the 80s. It is the Olmo Competizione with a full Campy system. I have kept it away from the elements. All it needs is to be tuned up. I have not been a regular cyclist since 1985. How should I get back into it? I am not really interested in off-road cycling. I just want to use cycling for fun and to get myself as healthy as I can be. Any usggestions?

By: Rebecca Sun, 28 Jan 2018 03:38:24 +0000 Way to go! Thank you so much for the encouraging words. 57 year old mother/wife with lower joint arthritis. This late Winter is the time to clean/service the touring bicycle for off-road rides – first time in years. Goal=WomanTours in Nederlands, then trip with husband.

By: Caleb Wed, 13 Dec 2017 02:34:45 +0000 This makes me so happy, thanks for sharing this article. I am encouraging my mom to go biking during Saturdays.

By: Debby Sun, 08 Oct 2017 00:32:02 +0000 I am 64 years old and just bought a Liberty Trike…Where in Branchburg, Nj can I ride?

By: Linda Coburn Mon, 10 Oct 2016 16:02:53 +0000 The majority of our customers are over 50 and many have not ridden in decades. Most have some physical challenge (bad knees, back pain, asthma, etc). Most live in a hill-rich environment. Our electric bikes help them regain their ability to get out and ride without fear of pain. And they can keep up with their kids and grandkids!

By: Chris Bradshaw Fri, 27 May 2016 02:11:04 +0000 As a senior who never stopped cycling and who is also a cycling instructor, I missed two topics Can-Bike II also neglects: carrying things on a bike and using MUPs (multi-user pathways), both which are very practical for seniors. Otherwise, a very complete article on a topic neglected by most cycling mags.

By: Alice Strong Tue, 17 May 2016 20:58:21 +0000 In reply to Casey.

That’s a great point, Casey! Also…making sure that you are riding good quality tires at proper inflation and riding away from road debris helps to avoid flats in the first place. Always making sure to bring extra tubes and a basic tool kit is important, too (even if you can’t fix your tire yourself a good samaritan might happen along). Congrats on dumping the car!
