Comments on: Should Biking While Drunk Be Illegal? smart living by bike Wed, 19 Apr 2017 13:27:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dumanji Wed, 19 Apr 2017 13:27:30 +0000 Sounds like your crash was due to poor road maintenance. A pothole doesn’t distinguish between a sober biker and a drunk one. I’m on the “drunk bikers present no danger to anyone but themselves camp” and I’m in that camp because it’s true. People say, “Yeah, but you could cause a more serious accident if someone in a car swerved and hit someone else,” or something to that effect, to which I reply, “Find me an occasion in our city where that has ever happened.” They never can, because it doesn’t happen. Drinking too much always carries risks, but if you’re on a bike, you assume 100% of that risk. It’s the socially responsible thing to do, especially compared to driving a car after drinking. Besides, (in the states at least) there are laws that govern this already. In most states, you can’t get a DUI, but you can get charged with public intoxication or wreckless endangerment, in the event you actually did cause a crash that injured someone else. I don’t know how things work in Canada, but any new law passed restricting or regulating bicycle use in the states tends to be….how to put it…. “selectively enforced” if you know what I mean. It becomes an excuse for the cops to roust people of color, basically. Riding bikes is the cure for many social problems; we shouldn’t racking our brains figuring out how to place new impediments to riding a bike in our cities. It’s useless and even counterproductive.

By: S. Cousins Sun, 22 Jan 2017 19:42:24 +0000 The assertions about drinking and biking presented in this article are overblown. It’s no more of an occurrence today than it was ten or twenty years ago. And, in all seriousness, it’s not that prevalent. It is occasional to rare – whereas drinking and car driving is an everyday issue. The matter of drinking and biking is so small, it’s not worth writing about.

‘ “Someone who’s inebriated while riding a bicycle represents a hazard for themselves and for others. This is why we’re concerned,” said Insp. André Durocher of the SPVM in an interview’ . Duh?? Someone who’s inebriated while doing anything represents some level of hazard – unless they are sitting on the couch at home about to fall asleep. Why not write an article about drinking while walking? I tell you why not – because the risk is small. A hazard exists, but the risk of anything devastating occurring is not worth focusing on it. The risks of damaging occurrence from drinking and biking don’t compare to drinking and car driving. When was the last time that anyone was killed anywhere from a drinking and biking event? Yet drinking and driving property damage, major injuries, and fatalities happen everyday. Let’s keep the focus on where it needs to be – drinking and driving… and not start ringing bells and raising red-flags to focus the authorities on a supposed biking problem that does not exist.

By: Alex Sun, 22 Jan 2017 16:42:58 +0000 In reply to Keninoz.


By: Srinivasan Sat, 21 Jan 2017 14:40:39 +0000 Alcohol is a slippery slope in general. There are laws against public drunkenness whether on or off a bike. Alcohol affects judgement, coordination and perception. Moving in this world is a responsibility. The bigger your vehicle and the faster you are moving the more dangerous an intoxicated person is to themselves and others. Responsible drinking means not diminishing one’s faculties to the point that they are dangerous. Most fatalities on bicycles are under the influence. Add an electric motor to the bike and the danger is intensified. What even puts any doubt on the legality is the focus of the legal system on punishment rather than rehabilitation. Anyone who drinks and drives, or rides their bike or ebike in public is a public hazard which the public needs to be protected from. Anyone who puts their fellow citizens in danger by such irresponsibility has a problem as well and for everyone’s protection needs rehabilitation.

By: SFIII Fri, 20 Jan 2017 05:38:00 +0000 In reply to Yvie.

Here here; I was completely sober when I chipped my front tooth riding a bike (with soft things hanging off the front handlebars which caught in the front fork,oopsie). And never injured when riding home after drinking. Sometimes sobriety makes one overconfident… 😉

By: Kevin Newman Fri, 20 Jan 2017 00:49:15 +0000 in most if not all states here in the US the bicycle is considered a vehicle and the rules of operating a vehicle intoxicated are the same IE: illegal one riding a bicycle intoxicated could be busted for RWI (riding while intoxicated) – car-bike-motorcycle all the same – and besides this is a right that cyclists have been given IE: to be considered a vehicle and so we cyclists must obey ALL the rules we should be treated no differently

By: Deez Thu, 19 Jan 2017 21:48:07 +0000 In reply to Avery Sanchez.

Exactly. Cyclists, drunk or sober, very rarely injure anyone else, much less kill them…unlike motorists who kill lots of people every day. In the U.S. last year, there were fewer cyclist-on-pedestrian fatalities than there were people dying from falling off of stuff taking selfies or by sharks. It’s not exactly an epidemic. Now, in places like NYC or San Fran, inconsiderate roadies might injure pedestrians at a higher rate, but that’s not necessarily correlated to drinking.

By: Deez Thu, 19 Jan 2017 21:44:57 +0000 I think existing laws already cover this. While in most states you can’t get a DUI, as “driving” most often means operating a motor vehicle, you can get arrested for lots of other stuff – public drunkenness, reckless endangerment, for example. No need to make a new law. If anything, the fact that a drunk cyclists only presents a danger to him/herself should make people realize that biking home from the bar should be considered a legitimate alternative to drinking and driving. Besides, like most all laws governing cycling, it will be selectively enforced. Guess who the police will target more…

By: Ciclista Urbano Tue, 06 Sep 2016 16:50:52 +0000 Cycling while drunk IS already illegal in MOST places. You mentioned the UK. It has been illegal since 1872 since the offence is to be “drunk in charge of a carriage”. The possible fines and other penalties are the same for a motor vehicle, except for points on the licence and possible driving bans. Enforcement, however, is probably very different. Police would much rather you be on a bicycle drunk than behind a wheel, where you’re far less likely to kill someone.

By: Yvie Thu, 05 May 2016 10:35:04 +0000 As far as you hitting a pothole while drunk cycling, and knocking your teeth out (how awful!) those things can happen when you are sober too. I’ve hit potholes before simply because I was cycling whilst deep in thought.
