Comments on: This is the Bike Lifestyle smart living by bike Tue, 12 Sep 2017 20:11:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hawa Koroma Tue, 12 Sep 2017 20:11:32 +0000 Being a new biker and all I pretty much have a hang of it. I really enjoy riding, its the breeze in my face, the bell and burning thighs. I’ve discovered all types of trails and hidden places. Even ridding down 14th st N.W. DC on a bike gives me a total different aspect of city living.

By: janine Thu, 03 May 2012 13:00:37 +0000 I’m a New Yorker and I love cycling, but I have to say our public transportation is anything but unreliable. it’s why we are the only city in the country where less than half of the residents own a car. Frankly, the dichotomy isn’t between biking and public transport. It is the cars and we see much higher rates of car ownership out where there aren’t subway stops. I reckon it’s easier to get a non-driver onto two wheels.

By: nate c Tue, 22 Mar 2011 19:11:48 +0000 Locking Up:
The most obvious rule: “learn how to lock up your bike securely”. Not enough bike shops do a solid informational on how to lock up the bikes they are selling. Do the research and carry the locks and cables.

Riding Skills:
I suggest new riders to go on rides with more experienced riders to acclimate to their locales. It takes some time to get used to the flow of riding through town vs driving/walking/transit. Veterans will be able to show you their good routes, and (hopefully) good habits for dealing with cars and traffic. Joining in on “fun rides” in your area can be a good way to learn how to ride in a group and view all the kinds of skills you can use while riding, all in the company of other people who enjoy riding for the heck of it.

Appropriate layers for changing weather is also more important when you are out on your bike and not under an umbrella or vehicle’s roof. If you don’t watch the weather forecast you could be stuck in a sudden shower. Find a good packable rain jacket you like, unless you don’t think you’ll ever ride if there’s even a 10% chance of precipitation. And pack an extra layer if you’re going to stay out past sunset.
