Comments on: Bike Route Planning for Beginners smart living by bike Thu, 02 Nov 2023 12:54:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gerald Wed, 07 Sep 2016 19:29:06 +0000 I recommend the maplets app. It has a database of hundreds of city maps, including bike maps. Often bike shops don’t have the hardcopy maps in stock, but you can get the same map on maplets. One thing I don’t recommend is Google maps’ bike directions. Oftentimes google will recommend busy roads when there are nice quiet streets nearby.

By: taylorwinfield Sun, 04 Sep 2016 18:54:54 +0000 If you are not easily intimidated, that grid-locked street that you would avoid at all costs when driving a car might be a good choice when riding a bike in rush hour. You really have to keep your head up but filtering between (essentially) stopped cars could be the fastest & most direct way between where you are now & where you want to end up. Just look at cyclists on streets in Manhattan or Sao Paulo, or Mexico City. I have done this more than a few times in Toronto and am still alive to talk about it. Like other biking strategies, it works better the more cyclists are doing it.
