Comments on: A Bike Trailer for Everything smart living by bike Mon, 18 Apr 2016 18:52:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amazing Riders Mon, 18 Apr 2016 18:52:34 +0000 Hi , you have described composting so good. Easy to understand and enjoyable!! Thank you so much for sharing and I love the idea .I just found your website. Thanks for all the great information. I am planning purchase to their next week.

By: nower monu Mon, 30 Nov 2015 21:35:05 +0000 I’ve been contemplating bike options for our preschooler, but the option of taking it on hikes isn’t one we’d even thought of. Great post! I like the idea of a balance bike and Strider is a great option because our girl plays hard and I want something durable that her little brother can use in a couple of years when she outgrows it. If we had one, we’d use it in the city on walks to the park or in Fish Creek, and definitely in the mountains when we hike this summer. We usually push the Chariot, but this would be nice because she could ride her bike and walk and we could wear our youngest in a hiking
