Comments on: How to choose the right bike saddle – your butt deserves better! smart living by bike Fri, 30 Sep 2022 03:12:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Richard Brannan Wed, 30 Aug 2017 04:30:22 +0000 I purchased a Brooks B17 right before my first STP. I was able to ride the whole 200 miles with no padding. I have Brooks saddles on all my bikes.

By: Taylor Winfield Mon, 28 Aug 2017 20:55:17 +0000 If you think you MIGHT like a Brooks leather saddle, before you make that $100 or more commitment, you could buy one of those cheap leather saddles made in China & sold on Amazon.
I ripped the leather on a very old (1970’s) Brooks and bought a Chinese leather cheapie from Amazon while I was deciding if I really needed a new Brooks for this old 10 speed which I seldom ride. I wasn’t expecting much but the cheap Chinese saddle is pretty good. Because the leather (and it IS leather!) is pebble grain, it isn’t as slick as a well worn Brooks – better for me when wearing bike shorts.
If you do buy a real Brooks, take it with you whenever you leave your bike locked up on the street – they are too easy to steal.

By: Warren Fri, 25 Aug 2017 18:36:45 +0000 I will always recommend the saddle I got when I was dying on my training rides for the Toronto -Montreal Friends For Life rally.
It supports only the sit-bones, is an inclined platform that keeps you in a dynamic, balanced posture – and is great for hill-climbing. Because the entire ‘horn’ is gone, airflow is wonderful. It takes a bit of getting used to, but I would never go back. is made in new Brunswick, and has a generous return policy – as well as a reasonable price, given that it is near hand-made (and I’m on my second frame in 13 years).

By: Ramon Wed, 09 Jul 2014 10:15:02 +0000 I’m currently saddle shopping and it’s a major pain in the… soft tissue. The stock saddle that came with my 2012 Jamis has served me very well, but the upholstery is literally falling apart. I started my search about a month ago and had some specific needs:

(1) The saddle has to be brown. My bike is brown and orange and I really want to keep the motif.
(2) The saddle has to have either raised sit-bone pads or a significant cutout.
(3) The saddle has to be synthetic. My bike is used for commuting and is left locked up outside on a university campus. There’s too much risk of having a Brooks saddle stolen.
(4) The saddle has to be a bit on the wide side. I’m 6’1″, 210 lbs, have a sizable derriere and, according to my at-home measurements, my sit bones are wider-spread than most men.

I visited about a dozen LBSs and the only brown saddles to be found were big beach cruiser saddles, so, I began shopping online. After much discernment, I threw down $50 and bought new brown saddle. On first ride to work (4 miles), it was just fine. On the ride home, however, the padding was so softened the sunlight it received throughout the day that my sit-bones sunk right in and shoved a bunch of padding where it ought not be.

Moreover, on my first longer ride (18 miles), the last 9 miles were torturous with my feet going numb and my lower back starting to hurt from trying to find a “good enough” sitting position just to get home. All that soft padding was pressing all kinds of stuff best left not pressed.

This morning, I reinstalled my old stock saddle with a bit of duct tape in some key spots. I’m shopping once again for a new saddle.

Here is what I’ve learned thus far:
(1) The whole “women’s” and “men’s” saddle thing is a bit of a misnomer. There is nothing particularly specific about women or men that require they use different categories of saddles. What’s important is:

(a) Saddle Width – Sit bone distance for men and women overlap greatly. Separating them by gender tends only to limit the expectations of consumers. (
(b) Cut-outs and Depth Variability.
(c) Amount and Softness of Padding — Hard/no padding is not for every type of cycling/cyclist. The same goes for soft padding.

(2) Having a style requirement when shopping for your saddle makes it very difficult to find the saddle you need. (I’m stubborn, though.)

(3) Buying a saddle online without testing it in person first is definitely risky. (I spent $50 on a saddle I won’t use. I will try to sell it for $30+).

(4) Go into saddle shopping blind of gender designations on saddles. Know what your body needs and shop for that. It doesn’t matter if it’s meant for a “boy” or a “girl” — a saddle that works for you just works.

By: Matthew Sun, 02 Sep 2012 13:50:15 +0000 I get soreness and chafing, should I go to a bike store to find a good seat? Where can I purchase your magazine?
