Comments on: How To Save the Bike Retail Industry – Bike Shop Girl smart living by bike Sat, 19 Nov 2016 06:08:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Keam Sat, 19 Nov 2016 06:08:33 +0000 In reply to Emma Bull.

Having grown up around car dealerships and gas stations (Dad was a mechanic) I think the negative response to the comparison is missing the point. Car dealerships actually do form relationships with repeat customers, and it’s in their (self) interest to meet their needs. When it came to fixing cars, my Dad was a genius. People would ask that he be the one to work on their car when they brought it in. So in my experience, there is a personal, mutually-beneficial relationship between customer and dealer, esp. because it is a big ticket item and people want to make sure it’s done right.

Sure they (auto dealers) don’t offer classes AFAIK (nor do most bike shops) but most people aren’t interested in learning how to fix their car (or bike). Of course, go to a parts store, and there is a wealth of repair manuals for varying models, not much different from the ‘fix your bike’ book beside my toolbox and in fact, because of economies of scale, much more detailed re: models and years, instead of a generic manual covering different types of bikes.

I do know, having a friend with an expensive Porsche, that there are things like club events, there is absolutely car clubs of various kinds that organize activities such as track days, etc. These things are however, targeted to enthusiasts. Most motorists aren’t enthusiasts. With regard to cyclists, there is undoubtedly (at present) a higher percentage of hobbyist/enthusiasts, simply because biking is less popular for commuting than cars and other options at present. So it’s not uncommon that bike shops might collaborate more closely with bike clubs, local amateur teams etc. But to return to the previous thought, how many take repair courses? Most cyclists pick it up in other ways, just as so-called shade tree mechanics swap knowledge, tools, and assistance.

Do most bike shops know your skills, interests, and so forth? Not if you’re a first-time or infrequent customer.

What’s the selling point at a garage? Listen to the ads. Trained and certified mechanics. Would consistency of experience help bike shops? Absolutely. Would bike mechanics like to make something closer to an auto mechanics wage? My guess is yes.

There are some very valid reasons to consider in taking what works from the car dealership structure. With some measure of success in implementing them, it might make cycling a more accessible idea for existing non-riders. More people buying bikes could result in a higher profile in the advertising sphere, which makes cycling more top-of-mind, breeding more customers, and so on. One thing the car companies absolutely get right is advertising the hell out of their products. For me, it’s annoying as hell, but I also recognize that it achieves their goal, which is cementing auto use as a good thing in people’s minds.

cheers, CK

By: Emma Bull Fri, 18 Nov 2016 22:25:43 +0000 In reply to Dallas Adams.

Also, bikes aren’t sophisticated machines like cars. They don’t often reach 30 miles an hour. They don’t have a combustible fuel source. They don’t have emission systems that require specialized maintenance to reduce air pollution. They can be fixed by their owner with a simple repair manual and ordinary tools. Their common failure modes rarely result in death or critical injury to their rider, let alone others. Regulation of cheap bikes won’t make streets or riders safer; it will only raise barriers to cycling for those who need it most.

By: Emma Bull Fri, 18 Nov 2016 22:17:57 +0000 The last thing I want from a bike shop is for it to more closely resemble a car dealership. I don’t want salespeople who pressure me into buying because they work on commission and have a quota. I don’t want a shop that values me primarily for the number of big-ticket purchases I can be counted on to make. Have you ever had a relationship with a car dealer? One in which the staff know how and where you drive, what your skill level and interests are? Do you have a car dealer that provides classes on how to replace your oil or air filter or clean your carburator? Maybe one that organizes group drives for drivers of differing levels of experience? My bike shop does the bicycle equivalent of all that and more. That’s why I’m a repeat customer, why I recommend it to everyone I meet who wants a bike, and why I turn first to them for accessories, parts, repair…and sometimes, just a visit to get a comforting whiff of the smell of chain lube and rubber.

By: Emma Bull Fri, 18 Nov 2016 22:06:23 +0000 In reply to Dallas Adams.

A huge proportion of transportation cyclists in North America are working poor, and immigrants with very low incomes. Add those people to kids who want to ride whose parents can’t afford a $500-plus bike for them, and you have many good reasons not to make cheap new bikes illegal. However, if those riders could count on bike shops carrying used bikes, that they’ve tuned up and inspected, at low prices, then yes–maybe we could outlaw those bottom-end Kmart bikes.

By: Emma Bull Fri, 18 Nov 2016 22:00:29 +0000 In reply to D F.

Not if you ride in winter in a northern Midwest city. Then a mountain, off-road, or fat bike is worth its weight in platinum to a bicycle commuter.

By: D F Thu, 14 Jan 2016 13:58:44 +0000 In reply to D F.

I should also add the off road bike as well (mountain bikes) which are wretched for general biking

By: D F Thu, 14 Jan 2016 13:55:39 +0000 Most bike shops cater to a non-city everyday biking bicycle i.e. a sports car mentality of design vs a station wagon. Fenders for example because if you ride regularly, you’ll at some point ride in the rain or at least through puddles (when you can’t ride around them). General commuting to everyday activities doesn’t require spandex.

By: Dominic Fri, 02 Oct 2015 06:20:24 +0000 In reply to Alex Boucher.

Being accepting and encouraging towards others is not really that hard. The trick is to not be patronizing, and treat people with respect regardless of gender or age or experience.

By: Dominic Fri, 02 Oct 2015 06:18:43 +0000 In reply to Mark Buettner.

Now you’re being unfair. Those things happen because of what’s been pointed out already.

By: Dallas Adams Tue, 18 Aug 2015 18:24:35 +0000 Ms. Jenkins has pretty much summed up the problem. One thing I might add because bicycles are such as sophisticated piece of equipment like a car the US government needs to regulate the cheap and dangerous bicycles being sold by the big box stores.
