Comments on: Bike Shop – Mission Bicycle Company smart living by bike Tue, 20 Jan 2015 19:02:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kai Wed, 20 Apr 2011 10:23:54 +0000 For anyone interested, please come on down to Mission Bicycle and we’d be happy to show you every part, talk over every asset, and compare bikes and prices from both Craigslist and the mass produced shelf.

I see Ryan has made up his mind, and that’s fine, and while we disagree with his opinions being presented as fact, we will gladly let you decide. 11-7pm everyday. 415.683.6166.

By: Ryan Tue, 19 Apr 2011 10:37:56 +0000 $600 USD for a gimmicky bicycle made of cheap parts? Readers, you can build your own bicycle, with your own hands, for about $400! And the components you choose will be better! Look at Pake parts and find an old, lugged steel from on Craig’s List. It can be done, and then you definitely will not look like one of the millions of sheep on mass-produced bicycles (which believe it or not is essentially what Mission creates — they might look flashy but really leave any room for imagination of individuality).

BTW, to the author, you need to include a link to Mission Bicycles in your article. If you really care about their business you’ll make it easier to send them some, right?
