Comments on: TiGr Bike Lock Review smart living by bike Fri, 08 Jan 2016 00:12:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Momentum Mag Fri, 08 Jan 2016 00:12:53 +0000 In reply to Roy Wilkie.

Hi Roy, I’m sorry you don’t like the review. We don’t receive any compensation from brands to test their products. As for locks, we don’t have the facilities to try to crack them open, so the reviews focus on qualities such as weight, ease-of-carrying, and ease-of-use. This above review did mention that the TiGr is cumbersome to carry without the frame attachment. As far as being cracked open, we’ve also seen the video. Those are a fairly non-standard pair of bolt cutters that one couldn’t simply waltz down the street with. You’ll find videos on Youtube of every every single lock currently available being cut open by those same bolt cutters or some other sort of tool in a matter of seconds. As of yet, none of them are foolproof. Hope that clarifies things a bit.

By: Roy Wilkie Thu, 07 Jan 2016 23:11:35 +0000 It’s honestly hard to take your reviews seriously when you seem to conveniently omit any mention of a products shortcomings. I just watched a YouTube video (by Stiftung Warentest) of this lock being defeated by a common bolt cutter in only 5 seconds. It’s also expensive and awkward to carry.

How much did TiGr pay you?
