Comments on: Social media cyclists call out San Francisco as cars keep driving in new center bike lanes smart living by bike Thu, 14 Sep 2023 03:58:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robert Reyes Thu, 14 Sep 2023 03:58:58 +0000 I’ve lived on Valencia St for fifty years and have never seen anything so dangerous to Cyclists. Whoever thought this up, has created chaos and congestion for motorists and merchants. I love Valencia, it is my home street. They have destroyed it and made it extremely dangerous. This is a bad Idea, for all. On 23 rd and Valencia there is a dangerous crossover that not many motorists pay attention to. A cyclist with a child was near miss to a vehicle as it was crossing into the center lane from the vehicle lane, in front of the vehicle. I watch from my third story window as cars do illegal u turns. Cyclists and scooters do worst. They fly through red lights. Cruise, vehicles block the one way lanes, forcing traffic into the cyclist lanes. Their is no longer a passing lane. Very poor planning on such a busy street and it’s only going to get busier and more congested with more angry drivers
