Comments on: How to Bike to Work smart living by bike Thu, 29 Jun 2017 21:29:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Donnie Thu, 29 Jun 2017 21:29:55 +0000 Old & poor people like me can’t afford a bicycle, you can get a used car for what they want for those things now.

By: Nigel Tue, 20 Oct 2015 07:31:43 +0000 I am fortunate that I can Leave my car at work and commute monday to friday which then allows me to train while commuting . Killing two birds with one stone

By: Julianna Sun, 30 Aug 2015 18:21:14 +0000 I just wanted to elaborate on “…ready to tackle your day.” I’ve ridden my bike to work for many years. Occasionally, a friend gives me a lift; I forsaken owning a car years ago. I noticed on the days she picks me up, I spend my morning kind of groggy no matter how much coffee I drink. Because of bike commuting, most days I’m truly ready to “tackle my day.”

By: Tricia Tue, 12 May 2015 20:52:30 +0000 Keeping all my bicycle “gear” with my bike has really helped make biking easier: First, I equipped my vintage cruiser with a front basket for my purse and bike lock and 2 rear fold-out baskets to carry groceries, library books, gym clothes, etc. I also modified the clasps that hold my lights so that it’s hard for them to be stolen. Now I don’t have to remove them every time I leave my bicycle. Finally, I picked up a skirt weight – so that I don’t flash everyone when wearing a skirt or dress – and a stylish trench raincoat in bright cherry red to keep me dry and visible on rainy days.

By: Carolyn Tue, 12 May 2015 15:24:29 +0000 I would love to ride a bike to work unfortunately I live in rural America. You probably wonder why that would stop me when my distance would be under 10 miles. Dangerous roads with coal truck drivers flying over hills and speeding locals that are texting and driving. Not enough law enforcement to be everywhere needed at 7:30am and after 5pm. Bike paths would be only a dream in this rural behind the times area. People are more concerned about potholes in the roads which I can’t blame them.

By: Jillycube Tue, 24 Mar 2015 23:41:11 +0000 My overall mileage a day is about 18-20miles. 6 miles to the train station, 1 mile to work from the station, and a few one milers here and there, 6 miles to go home and maybe a miler or two after for errands or dinner out nearby. I started taking daily photos of my outfits too to get an idea of what I wear during my commute. The only thing I carry in my backpack are my essentials: minitool, spare tube, patch kit, 15mm hex wrench tool, pedro tire levers, mini pump that all fit in a makeup sized pouch, then cable, mini u-lock, lights (front and rear) wallet, and a water bottle and still have plenty of bag space if I need to pick up something. I always check wundermap or the US National Weather Service FB page for weather updates and if it rains, I use a well compacted poncho.

By: lynn Tue, 24 Mar 2015 22:37:54 +0000 I love commuting by bicycle. I’m naturally quick to sweat so I wear athletic clothes for the ride and carry work clothes in my backpack. I also keep a stash of work shoes and an extra set of clothes in a drawer at my desk in case I forget any of the essentials in my backpack.

By: Linda Coburn Thu, 16 Oct 2014 13:21:10 +0000 I used to bike to work only once in awhile because no matter the weather I ended up being sweaty and disheveled by the time I arrived. After I purchased a Pedego electric bike, I started riding to work most days. With the electric assist, I arrive at work just as cute as when I left the house (you’ll just have to take my word for that) and still smelling shower fresh. If I choose to pedal on the way home for exercise, that’s a bonus. I love riding to work.
