Comments on: Amsterdam Continues to Lead with the Appointment of a Bike Mayor smart living by bike Wed, 27 Apr 2016 17:15:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Leslie Wilson Tue, 26 Apr 2016 22:51:57 +0000 “”… this is the first time a city has inaugurated the official position of “bicycle mayor,” and offered such a breadth of responsibility.”

Bullcrap. This role didn’t just start. In 1996 (twenty years ago) Ben Gomberg was assigned Chicago’s 1st “Bike Czar” bicycle coordinator/director. Same type of job, same responsibilities, same charge. Other cities have been doing the same thing since. The title has a different ring, such as “Bicycle Commissioner”, “Bicycle Czar”, or “Chief Bicycle Officer”… but it’s the same job with the same intent… just that the title is slightly tweaked. Making the claim of being the first is so silly that the next city can call it the “Bicycle President” for the same job and claim to be the “first”.
