Comments on: What Women Want – A Woman’s Perspective on Cycling smart living by bike Mon, 19 Nov 2012 12:52:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Female Bike Shop Owner Mon, 19 Nov 2012 12:52:33 +0000 I am sad to agree with “tiresome” above (or below?). Safety issues and most other obstacles are what they are, regardless of gender. It also concerns me when I see articles referring to safe routes/infrastructure being an issue, when the pictures that go along with the article mostly depict women without HELMETS. ???

By: Holly Harper Fri, 16 Nov 2012 13:30:26 +0000 I HAVE ridden in evening gowns, and typically ride everyday in skirts and dresses. Nearly 10 years car-free in Los Angeles. (yeah!!) and not that much of a girly girl…but for some reason I don’t own pants. Reasonably narrow skirts and dresses with BACK vents or slits don’t usually cause any problems with getting caught up in my chain. Those with SIDE slits or lots of fabric DO. My tip: keep a couple of medium- or large-size binder clips on hand and use them to gather up and secure swaths of fabric that could get caught. [Clip ’em on your brake cables while you’re in the meeting or wedding reception.]

By: Andrew Tue, 13 Nov 2012 14:07:04 +0000 Cycling was and is the great social liberator. To read this piece and how hard it is to be a women in a cycling world is dreadful. How hard can it be to look at a video of Amesterdam look at the bikes go find one on the Internet and buy it. Or look in the papers second hand and buy it. You don’t need special clothes the clothes in your closet are fine. It’s never been easier to get on a bike. Is this what women have become in the modern world afraid to walk into a bike shop.

By: Gwen Wed, 25 Apr 2012 00:19:39 +0000 Wow. I think this article is great. …And for the record, I’m a woman who’s worked in construction, landscaping and in the cycling industry, so I don’t believe that there’s a ‘boys club’ or any thing like that There is, however, an ‘opportunities club’ a ‘labor gap club’, a ‘wage gap club’ and a few other related ‘clubs’ that play a part in preventing women from feeling welcome, qualified, accepted, or able to participate in certain areas of our society. And specifically speaking, I think there *are* real world barriers to cycling that women face. Barriers that men do not- certainly some of which are related to expectations, social norms, etc…. but I do think that they are surmountable, regardless of their nature.
(As for riding in an evening gown- I’ve found that it’s really hard to do and a little bit dangerous.)

By: chicago (woman) cyclist Tue, 24 Apr 2012 11:32:06 +0000 agree that this was confusing/annoying/patronizing. a lot of people are nervous about riding, don’t want to get dirty on their way to work, or don’t think about it because our social norms are not built around it. it is not a “woman” thing. I’d like to feel safe taking my 80-year old dad out for a ride or my 12-year-old nieces. I’d like better bicycle parking around public transportation, as well as access to more trains and buses, and I’d like fewer potholes and better lane markings. none of this is related to my gender.

By: Justin Doescher Mon, 23 Apr 2012 19:16:18 +0000 There is a gender gap in cycling because women don’t like to ride as much as men do. That goes for pretty much everything else that is done disproportionately more by men: they just like it more. Most women I know rarely do anything physical at all. My mom, sister, grandmothers, cousins, etc. rarely hike, bike, run, or do much of anything physical. Even my female friends, some do physical stuff, but most do not. Men are too busy actually doing things to worry about a “boys club” on the street.

By: Rosa Mon, 23 Apr 2012 11:44:11 +0000 I have – not to mention in office-appropriate clothing every day for about 8 years – and the thing is, women on bikes get a lot of harassment, which just about doubles if you wear a skirt instead of pants. Just like dressing like a woman on the bus, which also drives women who can afford it off public transit.

If there’s no barriers, why the gender gap? Or do the naysayers LIKE having a boys club out on the streets?

By: Justin Doescher Mon, 23 Apr 2012 11:35:05 +0000 Pretty ridiculous article. The article says that women don’t ride because of cultural norms dictating what is feminine, but at the same time, women only want to ride their bikes while looking fabulous and fashionable? A bit oxymoronic. No one, male or female, is stopping you from riding a bike, and if you want to ride in a friggin’ evening gown, knock yourself out.

By: Ericjacke Wed, 15 Feb 2012 17:38:37 +0000 Vancouver is not typical of all Canadian cities where there may be greater % of women cycling because of better cycling infrastructure as a North American city. Certainly here in Calgary, I visibly see at least larger % of men cycling …even on a fine summer day after work. ( This city’s infrastructure for cycling struggles along to improve.

By: Toe Tue, 17 Jan 2012 22:36:18 +0000 I’ve heard it all:
Helmet hair? Not an issue according to my mom’s hair.
Mechanically not inclined? This never stopped anyone from driving a car.
Fear of traffic? Statistically we cyclists live longer.
Clothing issues? My friend rode her mountain bike in a skirt and heels.

I think the real issue is not any of the specific issues listed above but rather a general fear and anxiety looking for a rationalization. This fear and resulting paralysis are my biggest frustration. The women around me who don’t fear biking are those who’ve tried it and who have a community of cyclist friends to support them.

Hmm, maybe a girls’ bike gang would be a good place to start.
