Comments on: As It Turns Out, Motorists Want Protected Bike Lanes Too smart living by bike Mon, 01 Jan 2024 20:50:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hugh Jass Mon, 08 Aug 2016 19:21:45 +0000 In reply to Ali Motedayeni.

And maybe it’d be an equally good idea to strictly enforce rules of the road for EVERYONE who uses the road. I’d be all in favor of getting a bicyclist endorsement on my driver’s license and registration tags for my bicycle… provided the revenues generated from this activity went specifically to fund enhanced traffic enforcement against jackasses on BOTH sides.

By the way, those who are crossing within crosswalks ARE pedestrians, whether on foot, bicycle, or horseback. Normal rules of the road apply.

By: Ali Motedayeni Mon, 25 Jul 2016 15:26:30 +0000 In reply to Jack Hughes.

There are so many cyclists that do not follow the rules of the road that a motorist has to always wonder if the next cyclist they encounter will be clueless on how a red light works or if they will stop at a stop sign or will they assume they are a pedestrian and just cross a pedestrian crosswalk and assume everyone will have to stop for them. I understand that there is a great risk to cyclists but until something is done to stop and penalize the ones who do not follow the rules of the road, this conflict will escalate between cyclists and motorists.
Perhaps it might a good idea to force cyclists to obtain a drivers license prior being able to share the road with motorists.

By: Jack Hughes Thu, 21 Jul 2016 21:26:05 +0000 Motorists want protected bike lanes because (1) they don’t have any stake in maintaining cyclists’ rights to use the roads (2) they see protected bike lanes as a way to prevent having to be careful when driving where cyclists want to travel and (3) because they don’t understand that “protected bike lanes” offer very little in the way of protection for cyclists (so little that, in fact, cyclists are taking a greater risk riding in them than they do riding in the streets.

How is this news? Motorists have been trying to push cyclists of the roadways since motorists were invented.
