Comments on: The Rise of The North American Protected Bike Lane smart living by bike Tue, 28 Nov 2017 17:49:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Zack Erdman Tue, 28 Nov 2017 17:49:05 +0000 Dear Ms. Schmitt,

I am a Grade 10 student at Crescent School in Toronto. I have been tasked with an inquiry based project around a topic of my choice in my Civics course. I need to gather as many perspectives and information to help me have the best understanding of my topic so that I can speak effectively and succinctly. I am investigating bike lane protection in Canada, and in the course of my research, I found your name in this article and I hope you could answer a few questions for me.

1. What is your stance with Canada implementing protective bike lanes?

2. In your studies, does Canada have the infrastructure to support protective bike lanes?

I really appreciate your help with this,
Zack Erdman

By: John Sun, 15 Nov 2015 04:00:19 +0000 It would be great to have annual updates on the article in terms of numbers of protected bike lanes and where they are located… It would help the advocacy efforts of groups in smaller cities if they can show that smaller cities are in fact adopting this type of infrastructure. Locally we are running into the haters… some of whom intentionally misrepresent the proposed plans when talking to the press…

By: Chris Thu, 30 Apr 2015 10:29:22 +0000 Fantastic article. Great detail, and explains well the vehicular-cycling-is-best vs. protected-bike-lane debate. This is one that has been ongoing in our city for a number of years. Although I’d be happy with ANY bike infrastructure, even if it were just paint, as a start, we haven’t seen much of anything. I envy people who can debate whether what their city is doing is correct or not.

By: John Biggins Fri, 24 Apr 2015 17:18:42 +0000 In reply to k loewen.

Because, if you take the trouble to actually look at the photos accompanying the article, you will see that the cycle tracks in question are physically segregated from vehicle traffic by rows of posts, flower troughs at regular intervals or a continuous kerb. The question of whether or not drivers can see the cyclists is neither here nor there: even if they’re so massively blind and inattentive that they don’t see them, they’re physically unable to do them any harm except at the price of ploughing into a concrete flower trough or doing serious damage to their nearside front wheel by bashing against the kerb. The cyclists’ sense of safety on segregated tracks is not illusory: they know that while they’re on them nothing short of a runaway 40-tonne truck is going to be able to get at them.

Next one, then: what about the junctions? Well, that depends on how carefully the junctions are laid out. Segregated tracks that suddenly become un-segregated just where it’s most dangerous plainly aren’t a great deal of use: a bit like a toughened-steel chain with every twentieth link made from papier-maché to cut costs. But countries like the Netherlands and Denmark which have been doing segregated infrastructure for some four decades now have accumulated an impressive library of optimum layouts for every conceivable kind of junction – and will happily share this with anyone interested at very moderate cost.

By: John Biggins Fri, 24 Apr 2015 09:28:36 +0000 In reply to Josh.

“I’m still waiting for anyone to identify a single state where vehicular cycling was an official policy at any point in the past 30 years.”

I very much doubt whether you’d find a single US state these past thirty years which actually had anything as coherent as a cycling policy, whether Vehicular or not.

Certainly in Britain, the influence of Vehicular Cycling was not so much that the Departments of Transport or the Environment or any local highways authority ever adopted it as official policy, but rather that it sort-of became that by default: the utterly disastrous doctrine of “shared-use” or “dual-tier” cycling facilities which prevailed from the mid-1970s in official thinking – and which still largely prevails to this day: that the Real Cyclists will be perfectly happy to mix it with dense and fast-moving motor traffic, while painted-on strips and a few incoherent stretches of shared-use pavement would suffice for the kiddies, the timid and the old ladies of both sexes. For traffic planners who hadn’t been near a bike since childhood and for cash-strapped local authorities – essentially people who regarded cyclists as a pain in the arse and wished they’d go away – it was a seductive notion since it really involved their doing nothing: no expensive, brain-taxing and motorist-upsetting attempts at providing proper segregated cycling infrastructure “since apparently most cyclists don’t want it anyway” (…as indeed their most vocal spokesmen didn’t).

Why did the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland and (lately) France set about building a coherent national cycling infrastructure as though they really meant it? Well, in part because they didn’t have the Prophet Forester and his disciples to contend with: in fact had probably never heard of him. Vehicular Cycling remains a cult peculiar to the English-speaking world.

We owe people like Forester and his UK disciple John Franklin a certain debt of gratitude in that they kept non-sport cycling alive at its nadir in the early 1970s when it might quite easily have disappeared altogether, the bicycle going the way of the horse as an everyday means of transport. But their influence since then has been entirely unhelpful. Like many resistance movements, they ended up being nearly as much of a bane as the occupying army they were fighting.

By: John Merrick Sat, 25 Jan 2014 13:03:45 +0000 A single state? Try California, where his ideas were written into engineering guides, oh and the national engineering guides. The people who make today’s engineering guides are foresterites through and through. They have blogs where the cite him and they question the idea of bike lanes. They have a tremendous amount of power to this day. Forester still holds sway in San Diego, Ohio and many other parts of the country, including Boston.

By: Josh Fri, 24 Jan 2014 09:41:24 +0000 People love to bash John Forester’s Vehicular Cycling and blame it for all sorts of U.S. policy failures.

I’m still waiting for anyone to identify a single state where vehicular cycling was an official policy at any point in the past 30 years. That is, a state that repealed cyclist-specific far-right restrictions, where bicycles are legal vehicles, where motorists are not allowed to overtake within the same lane as a bicycle.

As far as I can tell, unicorns are at least as relevant to mode share as supposed official support for vehicular cycling.

U.S. policy for the past 30 years hasn’t been driven by vehicular cycling advocates, but by motorists and motor-oriented engineers doing the least they can to comply with checklist requirements for bicycle accommodation.

AASHTO, the American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials, which publishes the national Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, isn’t made up of cycling advocates of any sort. Its standards don’t follow vehicular cycling principles any more than they do Dutch or Danish principles. They follow the principle that cars are fast and bikes, if we have to allow them, should be kept out of the way of real traffic.

By: dr2chase Sun, 10 Nov 2013 20:14:45 +0000 In reply to Dave Holland.

The problem is that when Forester wrote Effective Cycling, today’s LED lights did not exist. He wrote it then, not today. I read EC, I own a copy, and the stats in that report look nothing like what I got from reading EC. Sidewalk cycling — not that dangerous after all, and collisions from the rear are plenty dangerous, far more than Forester implies. Even salmoning is not that dangerous if you are looking at fatal accidents.

By: Dave Holland Thu, 07 Nov 2013 19:47:13 +0000 Cross said the rear end collision ranked 8th in collision types. You also need to be aware of when and where the type 13 collisions were recorded. Also the when of this study, 1977. I have a set of bike lights from the 70s (as if many people used them) and they are laughable compared to what we consider acceptable now. A lot of things have changed since this study that make some of the information misinformation if you don’t keep it in context.

By: dr2chase Thu, 07 Nov 2013 19:30:44 +0000 Compare also with problem type 8, no fatalities (5.3% of injuries), sidewalk riding across driveways. Crap. Everything I thought I learned from Effective Cycling is suspect, till I can fact check it.
