Comments on: How to Drive If You Don’t Want to Kill People smart living by bike Thu, 16 Jan 2025 04:57:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hannah Wed, 23 Jan 2019 00:06:31 +0000 OMG. Thank u 4 laying it out. Shame one has 2 council people on what should b common sense practiced. I drive a 55mph toad twice a day n my biggest fear is whether that idiot coming toward me that keeps going over the center line then back in2 their lane will hit me head on. Its scary on the roads anymore. Car makers now make it even more possible 4 people not 2 pay attention. Why b concerned when ur car will stop 4 u. Bullshit. JUST PAY ATTENTION!!

By: Behind the bikesheds Wed, 24 Jan 2018 09:01:24 +0000 In reply to Swanky Cyclist.

Good comment, I was fairly late to driving compared to my peers at 23, I’d already had 9 years road riding under my belt starting in the mid 80s that was commuting, utility, fast weekend runs and touring. It took me 7 lessons to get to my test and I passed first time, the instructor was amazed at how easily I took to driving and be safe/make observations most learners wouldn’t think about. I then did my advanced a few years later and in fact gave some instruction/thoughts to the advanced driving trainer with regards to safe driving/positioning they hadn’t thought about simply because they weren’t riding a bike.
I’ve found that by thinking/concentrating on your driving you can actually not just be safer but also it makes your journey far smoother, less stressful and indeed quicker (without speeding) You learn to read the road better, you anticipate and assess faster and more accurately plus you brake far less thus safer for everyone including yourself.
I rarely drive these days, in fact I haven’t driven since September 2017 but my main journey is to visit family in the North of England, a 3 hour trip on a 70mph road and I can do that without any music, far better to be focusing on what you’re doing and constantly assessing your actions and that of others.

By: Ciclista Urbano Tue, 06 Sep 2016 19:16:58 +0000 In reply to Paul Glassen.

@Paul Glassen, you’re right, the points you make emphasize Hilary’s point about greater responsibility. However, once a driver has their licence, antisocial habits soon creep in. The licensing system then only rears its head again when it has to be used as a sanction. This article is the answer to the endless “education” that tries to make the potential victims responsible for the tons of metal hurtling around the streets at high speed that they didn’t necessarily ask for.

By: daytriker Tue, 06 Sep 2016 17:53:31 +0000 A big part of the problem is the impatience of people. With lack of time being the biggest cause of rushing to an obligation, appointment or deadline. Time & patience take a back seat to safety. Any responsible Government would address this burden placed on it’s citizens & the resulting impact on society. Since money is usually at the root of all our problems, maybe a responsible approach is to lower all speed limits to increase the margins for injuries, force people to leave more time when driving & switch to a 30 hour work week. The societal benefits from this approach to slow down life would reduce unemployment as well as reduce the spiraling taxes & deficit.

By: AMH Tue, 06 Sep 2016 11:10:54 +0000 Thank you! I did a bit of biking this weekend, and it was nerve-wracking, to say the least. Bike lanes were blocked by parked cars forcing me into speeding traffic, and at nearly every intersection by turning vehicles whose drivers refused to yield. Drivers tailgated, honked and cursed when I took the lane to prevent them from squeezing past me at high speed. Then there’s my daily experience as a pedestrian with drivers running red lights and careening around corners without slowing, oblivious to the pedestrians in the crosswalk with the light.

To everyone who says that vulnerable road users have to take responsibility for themselves, the leading causes of death and injury among this group are drivers speeding and failing to yield, not people throwing themselves in front of attentive drivers. We can do only so much to protect ourselves, and virtually nothing to protect anyone else. Drivers of motor vehicles must exercise care to avoid injury to all around them, because they have the capacity to injure and kill, intentionally or not. There is a proportional responsibility here.

I want to live in a world (or at least in a city) where I can walk down the street while lost in thought, or talking to a friend, in person or (gasp) on the phone, without constantly having to swivel my head and dive for cover. Drive like your loved one lives here!

By: ADFC-Langenhagen Mon, 05 Sep 2016 07:13:00 +0000 Ein guter Artikel, und gut geschrieben!

Alle Verkehrsteilnehmer sollten sich daran halten:
– Motoristen,
– Radfahrer
– Fußgänger.

By: Swanky Cyclist Tue, 09 Aug 2016 16:53:18 +0000 Good article, the only thing I would add is be positive about this “Driving safely is difficult.” Embrace that difficulty, develop the skill. Being a step ahead of the game, not having to brake sharply because you saw it coming, slowed down a little and allowed space and time to avoid creating a dangerous situation, not many drivers do that. Not many drivers know how, but you can learn it, and it saves you time fixing up after accidents and money on your insurance. Enjoy it.

By: Paul Glassen Tue, 09 Aug 2016 00:31:30 +0000 Regarding the greater responsibility of driving a car vs. walking or cycling: I sometimes hear objection to this, and not just from motorists. However, I point out that to drive there is a minimum age, a licensing process (that takes several years with Graduated Licensing), and an obligation to purchase insurance. Then there is elaborate and expensive roadway traffic law enforcement, prosecution and sentencing. By contrast, children can, and do, walk and cycle – from an early age. That different legal structure very roughly illustrates the difference in responsibility between the two activities.
