Comments on: Winter riding guide: How to bike in the snow smart living by bike Fri, 14 Feb 2025 13:29:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Taylor Winfield Mon, 13 Feb 2017 21:05:00 +0000 In reply to Heikki.

Nylon climbing pants are nice to have for an outer layer though. They are water repellant and dry quickly. Ordinary long underwear works fine for me in the city but my rides are short in the winter – under 5 miles. My wife made me a close fitting cap of fleece that comes down over my ears & fits under my helmet.

By: Taylor Winfield Mon, 13 Feb 2017 20:59:00 +0000 Fenders may be more trouble than they’re worth in snow. If you ride through the rainy/wet light stuff, fenders are a godsend but heavier snow gets packed between tire & fender. I’ve ridden both ways & tended to leave the fendered bike at home when snow was thick. Those plastic mountain bike fenders that you can easily remove might be worth a try but I never used ’em. A rear rack with a solid top is likely all you need there to keep from having a snow trail up your back.

By: David White Sun, 12 Feb 2017 00:48:29 +0000 Some good info but too general really. Here’s the essentials 10 things you must do to ride in winter:
1. Wear what you have and wear one less layer than you would to stand around. Winter biking makes heat.
2. Never wear cotton. Avoid cotton is too soft. You will die in cotton. It absorbs water and provides no warmth when wet.
3. Wear mitts. Gloves are ok above 0C (32F). Colder than that go to mitts. Your fingers are moving and will be cold.
4. Face protection is necessary below -10 C air temp due to wind chill created while moving. Get a good light (I use silk and it’s nice).
5. If you live where there is real winter and ice is possible get studded tires. Like snow tires for your car winter tires or your bike have a softer rubber compound and will work better. Studs are essential on ice. Save your hips but studs. Falling hurts more in winter.
6. Oiling the chain is key. Oil will repel the snirt (mixture of snow and dirt) that sticks to everything.
7. In any real snow fenders will pack up with snirt too. Wear old clothes or an outer layer that breaths a little but repels water. Counting on washing that layer now and then. Take it off before entering your house or office or coffee shop. It will be messy but other layers will be presentable.
8. Wear deodorant. You will sweat while winter biking.
9. The ski helmet is good below -15C (or so). Above that the bike helmet with a thin toque is better. The ski helmets get pretty hot as they don’t tend to be ventilated very well.
10. I prefer a single speed for winter with studded skinny tires to cut through the slush to firmer layers. He single speed has no derailleur to plug up with snirt. Get a sealed gear like the ones from White Industries for below -15C. Below -15 most freewheels with non sealed freewheels will freeze with the pawls open so no connection to the rear hub. I heard thy pouring hot water works but it doesn’t last long.
11. I know I said 10 but forgot “smile at the people stuck in traffic in their cars” as you enjoy their lights dancing off the falling snow.

By: Heikki Fri, 10 Feb 2017 12:05:26 +0000 Yes, thats a little overkill. There is no need to buy some expensive clothes, just use those you already have! Today it was -18 Celsius in the morning and I wear a long sleeve wool t-shirt, a wool sweater (army surplus), cotton anorak, normal jeans + long johns, wool socks and winter boots, army surplus gloves, wool beanie.

By: Steve Fri, 20 Jan 2017 10:33:25 +0000 My favorite winter cycling tip is switch out your bike helmet for a ski helmet.

By: Tim Thu, 05 Jan 2012 23:12:38 +0000 Maybe a bit of overkill here. I ride in Vancouver and on the coldest days I might ride with a wool hat and a neck warmer. The first few kilometers are cold but one warms up fairly quickly. was quite critical of the article.

By: Ty Thu, 05 Jan 2012 21:26:34 +0000 This makes it sound like riding in the winter is too difficult and costly. Honestly, to get started, just wear whatever works. Here in the northwest, winter means darkness and rain, for the most part, and temps in the mid-30s to upper 40s. For my 14-mile roundtrip ride on a dry winter day, I wear:

– My regular jeans
– My regular socks, sometimes they are cotton and sometimes wool but never “insulated”, whatever that is
– My regular black loafers
– A long-sleeve wool t-shirt from Ibex (yes, this is kind of gear. But you can sweat in it and you won’t smell)
– Button up the front shirt
– A wool sweater
– A windbreaker that is water resistant
– Gloves I bought on sale at Eddie Bauer since I had none

On a rainy day, I add an inexpensive pair of rain pants from J&G, I put my shoes in my bag, and I wear a pair of short rubber boots from Tretorn. Some days I wear a thin lycra and fleece cap under my helmet since its made to fit under the helmet. So, mostly regular clothes with a few adaptations.

By: steven fleming Thu, 10 Nov 2011 03:15:07 +0000 Maybe Mr. Loon meant this as a guide for bicycle *touring* in the snow? Seems like overkill for bike commuting.

By: Sean Carter Tue, 08 Nov 2011 15:04:01 +0000 Our local cycling .org has quite a few threads in the forum on winter cycing – here is the link –

My advice – 1) Avoid your front brake as much as possible and definitely when turning 2) go slower 3) check the weather, be prepared 4) smile!

By: Jean Mon, 07 Nov 2011 18:19:45 +0000 We did a small informal poll about winter cycling. Results are here:
