Comments on: Cargo Bikes: A Two-Wheeled Enlightenment smart living by bike Thu, 02 Nov 2023 12:47:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amanda Sat, 21 Oct 2017 13:08:46 +0000 In reply to Rob.

I disagree with that, as well, particularly as two-wheeled bakfietsen are often no wider than their handlebars, and are therefore more of a perceived “wide load” than an actual one, which results in cars being more cautious than they would with anything that looks like a regular bike.

Also, I was disappointed that Workcycles was not included on the list of cargo bike brands, as they have many bikes that are designed for cargo and ship worldwide. The Fr8 and Kr8 are particularly nice, whether for carrying children or just lots of stuff.

By: Peter Sun, 11 Jun 2017 14:43:47 +0000 In reply to Tomas.

Plenty of fair points about the merits of trailers versus cargo bikes. As someone pondering the possible purchase of a heavily-discounted new bakfiets I can’t deny that trailers certainly have their advantages. But they have disadvantages too. One advantage a cargo bike has, if it is in addition to another everyday bike, is that it adds resilience to bike-only solutions. So, if your cargo bike or everyday bike breaks and needs repairing, the other bike will keep you on two wheels and able to cover many of the same duties while you want for the broken bike to be repaired. However, if you only have one bike and a trailer, if that one bike breaks, suddenly you can’t do anything on two wheels. A small detail perhaps, but important for those who want to rely on bikes for their transport as much as possible. I have an ultra-sturdy Dutch bike (Workcycles Transport) that rarely is out of action, but when it is, I wish I had a back-up bike. And of course, a cargo bike offers more possibilities than simply being a back up bike (it also lacks a few aspects of a normal bike too, like being able to be put on trains etc).

By: Tomas Sun, 08 Jan 2017 23:02:44 +0000 Thank you for an interesting article! A while ago I was considering buying a cargo bike for grocery shopping and getting the kids to daycare. However, for my needs, I found that the bike trailer had several advantages: It was cheaper, I didn’t have to buy a whole new bike (good for both wallet and environment), and when the kids were left off at daycare I could just disconnect the trailer and ride on to work on my light commuter bike, instead of on a heavy cargo bike.
Trailers seating two kids and a couple of grocerie bags are available here in Sweden from anywhere between $100-$1000, mine was about $200. Max cargo 100 lb/45 kg, for a trailer weight of 33 lb/15 kg. Handling is straightforward. Works all year round, even in Swedish winter (using studded tires and an extra blanket, of course), and the kids love it. This is a simpler, more versatile and cheaper alternative I would gladly recommend for many people considering a cargo bike. The obvious drawback of the trailer is the heavier cargo capability offered by the cargo bike, but not everybody actually needs that, I think.

By: Rob Wed, 28 Dec 2016 14:49:30 +0000 Very nice article but I’d have to disagree with the statement “…if you live in an area with limited or no safe cycling infrastructure, you’ll want to go with a longtail bike rather than a wider Bakfiets”. I’d never base a bicycle purchase on the perceived needs of motor vehicles. If a motor vehicle needs to wait behind me on my Bakfiets as there is not enough space to overtake, then so be it. I regularly have to wait behind motor vehicles for the same reason. Buy what is best for you & your transportation needs, not what makes life ‘easier’ for an impatient motorist.

By: Jos Sluijsmans Fri, 25 Nov 2016 22:00:57 +0000 If you really want to see and experience the future of cargo bikes, you’ll have to visit the International Cargo Bike Festival, 11-13 June 2017 in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, pre-event to the Velo-city 2017 Conference, also in Nijmegen.
