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Find The Plan Website Design Case Study

Generating Leads With An Insurance Plan Comparison Website

  • LIG Solutions needed an effective lead generation website that helps its target audience compare healthcare insurance plans.
  • We built Find The Plan, boosting visibility through SEO practices and driving conversions with targeted, research-backed messaging that resonates with LIG Solutions’ three key target audiences.
  • A 37% search campaign conversion rate in less than one year, supporting healthcare plan decision making and driving leads to LIG Solutions’ services.
Find The Plan hero collage


Insurance brokerage company LIG Solutions needed a lead generation website that would reach, inform and guide audiences looking to purchase a healthcare insurance plan.

Find The Plan stacked web design images

Highly Competitive Market

LIG Solutions needed to grow brand awareness for Find The Plan in a heavily saturated and highly competitive insurance market.

Expert Positioning

Find The Plan needed to be positioned as an industry expert, to establish credibility and grow trust within their target market.

Highly Competitive Keywords

With competitors already ranking for target keywords, the SEO plan needed to be strategic to ensure the website would rank and provide visibility for the brand.

Audience Education

Find The Plan’s website needed to provide valuable information about a complex topic in a way that was easy to understand and not intimidating to website visitors.


Appropriately named Find The Plan, we designed and developed a custom website from the ground up, optimized for both search engines and users.

What we delivered:
  • Website Design

    We conducted extensive research to shape our website strategy, and delivered a custom web design for Find The Plan.

    Our design achieved the project’s key goals: brand awareness, lead generation, and a seamless user journey.

    The site’s strategically optimized conversion funnel continues to successfully drive valuable leads for the brand since launch.

  • Search Engine Optimization

    Because of high difficulty target keywords and competitors that were already occupying the space, we needed to come up with an alternate strategy for search engine optimization.

    We tackled the challenge of SEO by utilizing longtail keywords, which traditionally have a lower keyword density, and relying on valuable FAQs to help boost the website’s ranking.

  • Targeted Messaging

    We created surveys for Find The Plans three target audiences; Medicare Receivers, Medicare Givers and Under-65s.

    We used the responses to gain insights about what types of information each audience needed when making decisions about which healthcare plan was right for them.

    Based on our research, we created messaging and a conversion funnel tailored to each specific group.

The Results

In less than 1 year, we achieved a:

Search campaign conversion rate of

37 %

through targeted messaging and an optimized conversion funnel

Top-line sales generation of

7 figures

with a superior website and SEO strategy.

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